Francis Osgood

Francis Osgood [Front].png

High Grades, Low Income

Tuition at Arcane University is expensive, and a hefty Mageball salary is all that stands between the studious Francis Osgood and his mountain of crippling student debt. Majoring in archaeology with a minor in terramancy, Francis’ dream is to become one of the top professors in his field. In the meantime, he’s playing Mageball to make ends meet, but that isn’t to say he’s a slacker. Francis takes the game as seriously as his studies, using knowledge and magic to make up for not being the strongest or fastest member of the team. For the most part, he’s a friendly fellow who does his best to get along with everyone... but his crippling fear of plants makes him wary around botanomancers and bouquet wielding fans alike.

Likes: Ancient Artifacts


Vernon Quartermain